2024 Income Tax Declaration Period Began
The income subject to declaration for the 2024 calendar year must be declared with the Annual Income Tax Declaration between March 1 – April 2 2025.
In this context, real persons are required to declare their income from the following income types listed in Article 2 of the Income Tax Law within a calendar year through an annual income tax return.
- Commercial earnings
- Income from agriculture
- Salaries
- Self-employment income
- Real property income (rental income)
- Earning on movable assets
- All earnings and revenues regardless of the source
We would like to remind the following points about the declaration of wage income with the annual income tax return.
In this context,
- Employees who have wage income from a single employer and whose wage income exceeds 3.000.000 TL,
- Employees who have wage income from more than one employer and whose total wages received from more than one employer exceed 230.000 TL,
- Employees who have wage income from more than one employer and whose total wages, including the wage income from the first employer, exceed TRY 3.000.000,
such income should be declared with the annual income tax return.
It is possible to submit the declaration through the e-Declaration system by signing an intermediary agreement with the members of the profession authorized in accordance with Law No. 3568 or in paper form to the tax office to which it is affiliated, or through the e-Declaration system.
The following expenses may be subject to deductions in determining the tax base in the income tax return:
- Life/personal insurance premiums,
- Education and health expenditures,
- Disability deduction
- Donations and aids that can be deducted limitedly from the income to be declared and donations and aids that can be deducted in full,
- Sponsorship expenditures,
- In-kind and cash donations made against receipt to aid campaigns initiated by the President,
- Cash donations and aids made against receipt to the Turkish Red Crescent Society and the Turkish Green Crescent Society, excluding their economic enterprises, Individual participation investor discount,
- Donations and grants deductible in full according to other laws
The accrued income tax will be paid in two equal installments until the evening of April 2, 2025 and until the end of July. For more detailed information and service requests, please contact your customer representative.